Date: March 20, 2021

Duration: 90 minutes

Class Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Course Delivery: LIVE ZOOM Session

Cost: sliding scale of $15 – $25

# of Students: 10 (This program has been filled)

Instructor: Barbara Blumenthal

Barbara Blumenthal, paper folding instructor

Barbara B. Blumenthal came to book arts through a love of books and reading. A graduate of Smith College, she also apprenticed with master bookbinder Arno Werner. She has been a professional bookbinder since 1976 and was rare book specialist in the Smith College Mortimer Rare Book Room for 35 years between 1976 and 2017. She has taught bookbinding and book history at both Hampshire and Smith Colleges, and elsewhere. She is interested in local history, notably that of Northampton, MA, where she has lived for the past 46 years. Other passions are culinary history and cooking, gardening, and playing mandolin and Bulgarian tambura. Barbara also has enjoyed weaving at Vävstuga for many years and is a member of Orkestar Banitsa, a Balkan folk dance band led by Becky Ashenden.

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